ABX1-14 (Generator Bill)
ABX1-14 allows Californians during a declared state of emergency to purchase non-compliant generators and creates an income tax write-off on the purchase of back-up generators for all Californians. Fact Sheet Read More
ABX1-14 allows Californians during a declared state of emergency to purchase non-compliant generators and creates an income tax write-off on the purchase of back-up generators for all Californians. Fact Sheet Read More
AB 329 expands upon the adoption curriculum taught in sexual education classes in public schools (grades 7-12), adding a comprehensive explanation of, and information on, the types of adoption, the rights of a placing birth parent, and specific local adoption resources and support. Fact Sheet Read More
AB 496 requires the Legislative Analyst’s Office to review the customer service performance of the EDD and report to the legislature every year, specifically concerning their Paid Family Leave unit. Fact Sheet Read More
AB 505 requires an independent audit of HCD’s Homekey Program (Homekey 2.0) by the Legislative Analyst’s Office that must be reported to the Legislature. This audit must review the program’s effectiveness in relation to sustaining people experiencing homelessness and also the timeliness of funding allocation to localities participating in the…
AB 520 would create a single, publicly accessible online portal to track annual spending on homelessness and mental health programs. Fact Sheet Read More